
📚 / Dockerized Supervision / HowTo: Write a Unit / Docker Image

How to write a Docker image for a Unit

About the container contract

Because the Docker image will be used as a task with a Tekton Pipeline resource to run the Unit’s command, there are certain expectations that must be fulfilled for the image to work properly:

  • Tekton overwrites the ENTRYPOINT to control the order of execution within the pipeline
  • Kubirds overwrites the CMD to capture logs and the exit code

For more information, read this document.

Best practices

Your Docker image should provide a single executable that can be used in the spec.image.command field of the Unit resource.

Passing options via the command line is fine, but we recommand using environment variables to allow the Unit to fetch configuration from a ConfigMap or a Secret.

From a security point of view:

  • avoid running as root
  • do not expose ports
  • avoid using latest tags

Example of Dockerfile

The following Dockerfile is based on alpine/k8s which provides the following commands:

  • helm
  • kubectl
  • kustomize
  • jq
  • kubeseal

For more information, consult their repository.

FROM alpine/k8s:1.22.6

ARG USR=default

RUN adduser -D $USER


Since the base image already provides everything, the only modification we add is a new user to not run the container as root.

NB: The base image can already be used as-is by Kubirds, but from a security point of view, not running as root could be a requirement in most organizations.