Core Supervision |
coresup.enabled | boolean | true | Deploys the Core Supervision features |
Operator |
operator.enabled | boolean | true | Deploys the Kubernetes Operator |
operator.nameOverride | string | "" | Override the Chart name (leave empty to keep the default) |
operator.fullnameOverride | string | "" | Override the Chart and Release name (leave empty to keep the default) |
operator.replicaCount | integer | 1 | Number of replicas (pods) to deploy | | string | linksociety/kubirds-operator | Docker image repository to deploy |
operator.image.tag | string | 2.0.0-rc3 | Docker image tag to deploy |
operator.image.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | Pull policy for the pod |
operator.image.pullSecrets | string array | [] | List of Docker secrets to pull image from private repositories | | string | linksociety/kubirds-tlsctl | Docker image repository for the TLS certificate renewal tool |
operator.tlsctlImage.tag | string | 2.0.0-rc3 | Docker image tag |
operator.tlsctlImage.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | Pull policy for the pod | | string | redis | Docker image repository for the Kubirds CacheLog client |
operator.cachelogImage.tag | string | 6.2.6-alpine | Docker image tag |
operator.cachelogImage.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | Pull policy for the pod | | string | alpine | Docker image repository for the Unit status updater |
operator.statusImage.tag | string | 3.15 | Docker image tag |
operator.statusImage.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | Pull policy for the pod |
operator.serviceAccount.create | boolean | true | If true , create a dedicated ServiceAccount for the operator |
operator.serviceAccount.annotations | map | {} | Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount | | string | "" | If create is true , leave empty to generate a new one, otherwise, leave empty to use default |
operator.podAnnotations | map | {} | Annotations to add to the operator's pods |
operator.podSecurityContext | map | {} | Configure operator's pods security context |
operator.securityContext | map | {} | Configure operator's main container security context |
operator.resources | map | {} | Configure operator's pod resource limits and requests |
operator.autoscaling.enabled | boolean | false | Enable the HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
operator.autoscaling.minReplicas | integer | 1 | Minimum number of replicas |
operator.autoscaling.maxReplicas | integer | 100 | Maximum number of replicas |
operator.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | integer | 80 | CPU threshold to spawn new replicas |
operator.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | integer | N/A | Memory threshold to spawn new replicas |
operator.nodeSelector | Node Selector | {} | Manually select the Kubernetes nodes used to schedule the operator's pods (leave empty to select them all) |
operator.tolerations | Taint and Toleration | [] | Dynamically select the Kubernetes tainted nodes used to schedule the operator's pods (leave empty to select them all) |
operator.affinity | Node Affinity | {} | Specify constraints required on the Kubernetes node to be selected for scheduling |
Dashboard |
dashboard.enabled | boolean | true | Deploys the Dashboard frontend |
dashboard.nameOverride | string | "" | Override the Chart name (leave empty to keep the default) |
dashboard.fullnameOverride | string | "" | Override the Chart and Release name (leave empty to keep the default) |
dashboard.replicaCount | integer | 1 | Number of replicas (pods) to deploy | | string | | Docker image repository to deploy |
dashboard.image.tag | string | 2.0.0-alpha1 | Docker image tag to deploy |
dashboard.image.pullPolicy | string | IfNotPresent | Pull policy for the pod |
dashboard.image.pullSecrets | string array | [] | List of Docker secrets to pull |
dashboard.serviceAccount.annotations | map | {} | Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount | | string | "" | If create is true , leave empty to generate a new one, otherwise, leave empty to use default |
dashboard.podAnnotations | map | {} | Annotations to add to the dashboard's pods |
dashboard.podSecurityContext | map | {} | Configure dashboard's pods security context |
dashboard.securityContext | map | {} | Configure dashboard's main container security context |
dashboard.resources | map | {} | Configure dashboard's pod resource limits and requests |
dashboard.autoscaling.enabled | boolean | false | Enable the HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
dashboard.autoscaling.minReplicas | integer | 1 | Minimum number of replicas |
dashboard.autoscaling.maxReplicas | integer | 100 | Maximum number of replicas |
dashboard.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | integer | 80 | CPU threshold to spawn new replicas |
dashboard.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | integer | N/A | Memory threshold to spawn new replicas |
dashboard.nodeSelector | Node Selector | {} | Manually select the Kubernetes nodes used to schedule the dashboard's pods (leave empty to select them all) |
dashboard.tolerations | Taint and Toleration | [] | Dynamically select the Kubernetes tainted nodes used to schedule the dashboard's pods (leave empty to select them all) |
dashboard.affinity | Node Affinity | {} | Specify constraints required on the Kubernetes node to be selected for scheduling |